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Something's Gotta Give

"This is really fascinating... Let's take you and Erica. You'e been around the block a few times. Never married, which as we know, if you were a woman, would be a curse. You'd be an old maid, a spinster. Blah, blah, blah. So instead of pitying you, they write an article about you. Celebrate your never marrying. You're elusive and ungetable, a real catch. Then, there's my gorgeous sister here. She is so accomplished. Most successful female playwright since who? Lillian Hellmann? She's over 50, divorced, and she sits in night after night after night because available guys her age want somebody that looks like Marin. The over-50 dating scene is geared towards men leaving older women out. And as a result, the women become more and more productive and therefore, more and more interesting. Which, in turn, makes then even less desirable because as well all know, men- especially older men- are threatened and afraid of productive interesting women. It is just so clear! Single older women as a demographic are about as fucked a group as can ever exist."  -Zoe

Watch:  If you are a Diane Keaton or Jack Nicholson fan, if you've seen The First Wives Club and/or As Good As It Gets and enjoyed it, if you are a never-been-married bachelor, if you are over 50 - divorced and single, if you love a good romantic comedy, if you are or have ever dated someone half your age

Don't watch:  If you are not a fan of Diane Keaton or Jack Nicholson, you do not enjoy romantic comedies

Romantic Comedy
Made in 2003
Starring Jack Nicholson, Diane Keaton, Keanu Reeves, Frances McDormand, Amanda Peet
Directed by Nancy Meyers
Written by nancy Meyers

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